New to church? New to the Anglican way of doing things? Not sure how it all works? Don’t worry! We don’t mind questions and no one will give you the “stink eye” if you do things differently. However, here are some useful (and hopefully helpful) things to know about how we worship.
New? Have questions? Please fill in our newcomer card! Our greeters will gladly provide you with one. The card lets you share your information with us and also indicated what you would like to learn more about from classes to giving to joining.
Child-welcome zone! If your child or infant is restless or fussy feel free to wander around the worship space or take them outside to play for a bit. We don’t mind children being children (they can be seen and heard!), so if they are vocal during worship it is okay with us!
Up, down, which one? We all pray in our own way. Feel free to sit or stand as is your preference during times of prayer in the service.
Communion–to take or not to take? Anyone is most welcome to receive the bread and the wine at Communion. This is Christ’s table and all are invited. However, if you prefer not to receive but would like a blessing instead, simply cross your arms over your chest as you come forward.
Special services! If you need Communion brought to you where you are seated we will happily deliver. Just let the usher or clergy know! We also have gluten-free wafers for those with wheat sensitivities. Ask for one as you come forward to receive the bread and one will be given to you.
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